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哈哈! 王治致率先反叛国家体委, 拒绝向国家队按时报到 |
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作者:Anonymous 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
哈哈! 王治致率先反叛国家体委, 拒绝向国家队按时报到
昨天才贴文章说姚明, 今天就看到报道, 王治致拒绝向国家队按时报到. NBA
的消息来源推测, 王的"造反"行动可能最终引向"defection", 即叛国.
王早就表示, 他希望参加NBA的夏季联盟(summer league), 以提高球技. 但他
当初跟八一队签的合同明确规定不得打夏季联盟, 而且必须按时返回国家队.
至今, 王已经延误了两个截止报到日期.
按照国家体委的规定, 王还拖欠着必须上缴的一半工资. 中国蓝协的说法是,
王正在主动与体委协商交钱的问题. 交钱只需寄支票, "协商"显然就是不愿上交.
他拖延回国多半与这一半工资也有关系. 他今年可是欠了23万美金.
王的NBA现役合同已经到期, 达拉斯跟他准备续签合同. 合同问题又牵涉国家体委.
王在这个时候失踪, 耐人寻味.
王治致反叛的时机, 恐怕对姚明不利. 可能造成中方拒绝姚明加盟NBA.
国家体委不把运动员当摇钱树不当人. 为运动员的竞技生涯设置重重障碍. 甚至
要抽取50%的血汗钱. 迟早有人要反叛. 我昨天在估计姚明会造反, 没想到王治致
抢先了. 等着看好戏吧.
Mavs center Wang missed deadline to return to China
By JODIE VALADE / The Dallas Morning News
Mavericks free agent Wang Zhizhi has not reported to China for mandatory
national team training, and not contacted the Mavericks since the end of
the season, leading NBA sources to speculate that Wang's rebellion against
the Chinese government may end in defection to the United States.
But Wang's adviser said he is safe in Los Angeles, has no current plans to
renounce his Chinese citizenship, and wants to participate in the NBA's
summer league - all of which the Chinese Basketball Association has been
informed of, he said.
The twisting and multisided tale has implications beyond Wang and the
Mavericks. Wang is the first Chinese player in the NBA and therefore the
pioneer for future negotiations with the country - which include the
possible top pick in this year's draft, 7-5 center Yao Ming.
Both Wang and the Mavericks have received letters from the CBA demanding
that the basketball player return to China per the agreement Wang signed
when he first received permission to play for the Mavericks in 2001, but
the Mavericks cannot locate Wang.
"We have called and gone to Wang Zhizhi's house every day, at least twice
a day to try to locate him," Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said. "We have been
unable to do so for the past several weeks. We do not know where he is, or
how to get ahold of him."
Wang has missed two CBA-imposed deadlines to return to China, NBA sources
said. Simon Chan, Wang's new U.S.-based adviser, said his client is
working out in Los Angeles and preparing for summer league play.
"He thought he could play in the summer league and improve, and this would
help out the [Chinese] national team," Chan said. "He would be matched up
against NBA-type players. For him to stay here, he has to take advantage
of this summer and work on strength and conditioning."
Cuban said Wang discussed during the season the possibility of playing on
the Mavericks' summer league team, but that discussion ended quickly when
the Mavericks learned that Wang would be required to return to China
immediately at the conclusion of the NBA season for national team
training. "It never occurred to us that he wouldn't do what he was asked,
or what the possible consequences might be," Cuban said.
Consequences could be felt as soon as the June 26 NBA draft. The Houston
Rockets are eyeing Wang's countryman, Yao, with the first pick. China has
made it difficult for Yao to leave his club team, the Shanghai Sharks, by
imposing strict restrictions that include handing over 50 percent of his
total earnings to Chinese government agencies. Difficulties with Wang c
ould add to hesitation to release Yao from his Chinese obligations.
Wang has limitations, too, after two years of negotiations with the
Chinese Red Army resulted in him becoming the first Chinese player in
the NBA. Most prominent among those restrictions is that he has not
been allowed to play on the Mavericks' summer league team, and that
he had to report nearly a month late last season - both so he could
fulfill Chinese national team requirements. Wang also is eligible to
be called back at any time to play for his club team, the Bayi Rockets.
Cuban said the Mavericks still want to re-sign Wang and hope to work
with him to resolve any obstacles. Wang recently cut ties with his
agent, Bill Duffy, and has sought the help of Chan, a friend who is
advising him until a new agent is secured.
Chan said Wang still intends to play for China in the World Championship
games in Indianapolis from Aug. 29 to Sept. 8.
作者:Anonymous 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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