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主题: 洪水泛滥之时,耶和华坐着为王
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作者 洪水泛滥之时,耶和华坐着为王   


文章标题: 洪水泛滥之时,耶和华坐着为王 (188 reads)      时间: 2005-2-08 周二, 上午4:58

作者:Anonymous罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org



[email protected]


An OpeN Letter to Brothers and Sisters

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: Peace be with you!

We are Christians from a house church in Chinese mainland. Several years ago, due to the slander of those who are rebellious against the Truth and Word of God and some false report appeared with high frequency in some pamphlets and network, we unawares were named “Three Grade Servants”. In during of these years, we have never pleaded innocence for ourselves owing to some reasons. Firstly, the grain field is vast, the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. The Lord is standing on the door, the most urgent thing is to save the thousand and hundreds lost sheep from the fire, we have no time to speak for ourselves; Secondly, we have been sure that it is God who has right to judge us. We just seek after the innocence in the presence of God. The judgment of human being is little thing that means nothing to us.

Nowadays, our church is suffering the serious persecution triggered by Chinese government. The leader of church Xu shuang-fu, a faithful servant of God who has spent 20 years totally in jail in the past were arrested secretly with several hundred fellow workers by the security authority of China. Thereinto a brother named Gu xiang-gao was cruelly beaten to death on next day after being seized who really died for the Word of God and his belief. At this moment, we have no way to know brothers and sisters in jail are undergoing what kind of mistreating and malicious abuse. However the more evil-minded thing that deeply hurt us is the wanton dispraise for no reason and made-up slander of evildoers. They could hide true reality and wait for their chance to diffuse that “Three Grade Servants ” is cult, which blinds many people. This activity is the same as to indicate to other people who have no knowledge of us how great, glory and right the reigning government persecuted us.

For the sake of some brothers and sisters in Christ who love God, but innocent for us, we must clarify ourselves urged by the holy spirit. The introduction of our church is attached in the end of this article. Dear brothers and sisters, we have been convinced that you could recognize justly us by the word of God, not by the gossip if you often read the Bible, and seek after the will and guide of God in his presence.

According to the definition of Chinese official document, all the house church which are not subject to the public church have been called sects and cults. Whether it is illegal church and heresy or not is up to God and the Bile. Now the reigning government sat the place of judgment, and arbitrarily condemn without any judicatory procedures. As a result, many Christians from house church were amerced, humiliated, reformed through labor, afflicted, even tortured to death. This is a absurd phenomena.

Because we have been pursuing the pure gospel truth and insisting not to join the public church ruling by government.the public security organ established a special case team with aim to put the church leader Xu shuang-fu to die for serious criminal according to the false charge of those who betray truth and God. It was obvious that they planed to destroy the house church thoroughly. But this great and special case supervised by the public security organ in person had a ironical end for not getting any evidence against the servant of God Xu shuang-fu, they could not condemn his to death but reform through labor which is a administrative punishment for those who do not commit criminal without fair judicatory procedure, trial of the court, public interrogatory of illegal facts and evidence which is controversial in the law field abroad or at home. Further more the servant of God Xu shuang-fu lived under surveillance before reform through labor which was determined by the public security organ. They even arrested him without approval by the procuratorates, obviously the public security organ did not have authentic powerful evidence to bear the examination and supervision of the people’s court (more details is in the website: http://www.china21.org 4/29/2004, the Hangzhou suffer chapter of The Cross Experience Of a Servant of God).

现在,徐双富及几百名同工又再次被以莫须有的名义投入了监狱(详见http://www.china21.org 2004年5月15日《徐双富被恐怖绑架的经过》)。中国的“人民警察”在循合法途径未能置徐双富于死地的情况下,竟然以黑社会绑架勒索、栽赃陷害的手法抓人、“查办案件”刑讯逼供,并将顾弟兄殴打致死,凶手至今仍逍遥法外,又以案件涉及国家机密为由拒绝家属会见,严重违反中华人民共和国宪法和刑事诉讼法。这样“搜集”的“证据”能定案吗?公安机关欲以杀人罪陷害徐双富和同工,但他们自己却偏偏草菅人命……这一切,恰恰证明了当局是在没有任何事实证据,没有任何法律依据的情况下,达到伪造证据逼迫家庭教会的险恶目的。徐双富及同工们面临的是中国司法机关一贯的黑箱操作,他们的生命处在极度危险之中!
At this moment, the servant of God Xu shuang-fu and several hundred fellow workers were arrested for groundless reason. (details in http://www.china21.org 05/15/2004, Process of Xu shuang-fu’terrorist Kidnap. When the people police of China could not put the servant of God Xu shuang-fu to death by the legal method, they actually kidnapped the servant of Xu shuang-fu like the dark society, then arrested him with false witness. They afflicted inquisition by torture and beat brother Gu xiang-gao to death. The murderer is still at large. They refused his relatives to meet him for the reason of involving the national secret. Their action is gravely against the constitution and criminal law of the People’s Republic of China. How the “vidence” ollected by this way can decide on a verdict? Now in the embarrassed situation, they could not obtain any evidence against the servant of God Xu shuang-fu, so they attempt to make false evidence and heap these criminal on him to achieve the goal of putting Xu shuang-fu to death and destroying the house church. We could not imagine this thing happened in China, happened to a group of children of God who died for his children. The government will be content with nothing less than the death of Xu shuang-fu and the house church led by him. The public security organ are planning to condemn Xu shuang-fu death sentence for murder case which they fudged. But they acted as if human lift is not worth a straw, the brother GU who was beaten to death by the policeman is an example. All these made it clear that the government, which do not believe in God seek, wants to achieve the evil target of persecuting the house church by false evidence, even they have any fact testimony and any law support. The servant of God Xu shuang-fu and his fellow worker are the victim of the black-box operation of Chinese judicatory organ. Their life are in danger.

“The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; The Lord sits enthroned as king forever.”( PSALMS29:10). Same as the past countless pains, the heavenly father has reckoned how many pains we have to take. Every time of suffering would bring about more revival. We are sure that God has already allowed the prayer of his servant. When the dark power of Satan was attacked heavily, the kingdom of God will expand again.


However, every brother and sister in Christ should cooperate with each other to do our duty. The need of the Lord is revealed before us--- The Lord is inprison (MATTHEW25:36) he need our actual help. His need will identify who you are goal or sheep. We wrote with tears to you, and wish you pay attention to this information, and pray to God for these saint in jail and persecution, asking the Lord to rescue them, make their heart firmly, conquer the evil by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, for they did love their lives so much as to shrink from death (REVELATION 12:11). Even more wish you can stretch out your hand to do for one of the least of these (MATHEW25:45)

作者:Anonymous罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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