加入时间: 2004/03/25 文章: 2225
经验值: 10951
作者:kai-kai 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
oil supply is safety in 10 years for china
as we know, oil spending for china is almost as much as japan now. but china's GDP is US$1400 billion, japan's GDP is US$ 5000 billion. so, oil spending will not have big jump for china in 10 years. and shouldn't have big jump in 10 years.
now for japan, it was said, 90% of oil is from mideast. and after russia build "tai-na-xian" papeline, there will be only 65% of oil from mideast for japan. "tai-na-xian" papeline can reduce 25% of mideast supply for japan.
"tai-na-xian" to nakhodka is 50 million tons. that's same as kazakhstan papeline to china. so, that's same, china will get 25% of oil from kazakhstan. now for china, there are 36.5% oil from mideast. after kazakhstan line finished, there will be only 11.5% of oil from mideast by oiltank.
so, there is no high risk for oil supply for china in 10 years.
actualy if "tai-na-xian" supply 30 million tons to DA-QING it will be over supply.
作者:kai-kai 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |