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主题: nice girl go to stupid guy - siberia to nakhodka p
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作者 nice girl go to stupid guy - siberia to nakhodka p   

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文章标题: nice girl go to stupid guy - siberia to nakhodka p (249 reads)      时间: 2004-9-29 周三, 上午9:28

作者:kai-kai罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

nice girl go to stupid guy - siberia to nakhodka pipeline

china shouldn't involve in siberia to nakhodka pipeline too hurry. because this project maybe will lose money.

the oil in siberia only enough for one country. but to build two pipelines to supply two countries. then both investment will lose money. china better don't jump in. focus on Kazakhstan pipeline and Myanmar pipeline.

wen-jia-bao become a loser now. because you forgot chinese saying, "nice girl go to stupid guy". hahaha. makes me laughting.

china and japan like two boys try to attract a nice girl, russia. this nice girl for sure go to stupid guy. chinese saying told you long times ago. how can you forget? now you become a loser.

for the siberia-nakhodka pipeline project, first turn, china lost. don't deny. but game not over yet. next turn, russia will lose.

the project siberia-nakhodka pipeline will cost US$15billion, not a small project. can't make decision in one year. maybe need more than 5 years to plan. siberia to da-qin pipeline only cost US$2.5billion, spend 10 years to deal with. i can expect russia will find out they just wast time with japan.

japan impossible offer US$15billion to russia to build a pipeline. because every year the interest is enough for transportation cost by oil tank. and for russia, pipeline build to da-qin or build to nakhodka are same, just sell oil. no meaning to spend more than US$10billion extra money.

but they will wast time to deal. so next turn, russia will be a loser.

last loser is japan. now japan hold a hot yam. if build pipeline to nakhodka acturely just close to china. i checked map many times. don't know why japan jump in the case. to build pipeline for russia and china? hard to understand their thinking way. if give up, what's the meaning for jump in? let it be. i don't care.


作者:kai-kai罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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