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主题: 贺氏夫妇作伪证的法庭文件!
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作者 贺氏夫妇作伪证的法庭文件!   


文章标题: 贺氏夫妇作伪证的法庭文件! (251 reads)      时间: 2004-5-14 周五, 上午3:13

作者:Anonymous罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

Since 1998, Mr. He has repeatedly engaged in a pattern of conduct marked by deceitfulness and dishonesty, without remorse, repentance, or conscience, and has shown a propensity to justify all means, including perjury, for what Mr. He deems to be justifiable ends.

_ Mr. He admitted that he lied about his income, under oath, in his December 20, 2001, deposition and that he said things that he knew were not the truth. During his deposition, Mr. He also knowingly and willfully gave false testimony with respect to material facts concerning his and Mrs. He’s assets. The Court has previously found that Mr. He committed perjury while under oath in Court hearings and pleadings filed in this cause.

_ The Court reaffirms and incorporates herein by reference the findings made by the Court relative to the perjury of Mr. He in testimony given before the Court on February 14, 2002, as memorialized in the February 22, 2002, order entitled “Judgment On Order To Show Cause Pertaining To Passport” and the order entitled “Judgment On Order To Show Cause Pertaining To Documentation Of Marriage In The Republic Of China.”

_ The evidence also shows that Mr. He tried to procure an F-2 visa, in 1997, for another Chinese woman, who Mr. He claimed was his wife. Mr. He later admitted that this woman was not his wife and that he had committed a fraud on the University of Memphis.

_ Mr. He made material false statements on a loan application, dated October 18, 2001, relative to his employment, his income, his status as a student, and his personal references for the purpose of securing a loan for the purchase of a new vehicle.

_ Mr. He first entered the United States on a F-1 Student visa which allowed him to be employed and earn income. However, after he was suspended by the University of Memphis on September 20, 1999, and his student visa was revoked, Mr. He was not legally permitted to be employed and earn income in the United States. Nevertheless, Mr. He has been employed and earned income in the United States, since September 20, 1999, and has failed to report his income to the Internal Revenue Service, thus defrauding the United States government.

作者:Anonymous罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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