加入时间: 2004/03/25 文章: 2225
经验值: 10951
作者:kai-kai 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
人民的质疑 8: what 侍卫长 talk about on the phone?
finaly after 2 weeks 吕秀莲 come out tell us something. better than she hide somewhere forever.
吕秀莲 tell us she was shot seriously. she even 脱口大叫:「好─痛─喔!」but nobody care. nobody care about her,吕秀莲. she is nut.
吕秀莲 tell 侍卫长 :「有一必有二!赶快离开现场,侍卫长!赶快连络医院。」
but 侍卫长 did not care about 吕秀莲, 他正在用手机讲电话。 哈哈哈哈哈
it's fun.
what did 侍卫长 talk about on the phone? we remember. he was talk to a friend. the guy ask where they are.
is this so important ? and who is this guy ?
by the way, how can 吕秀莲 say this? she is nut. 吕秀莲 is nut.
" 就在此时,我的手臂碰触到站在我右边的总统的夹克下摆,有点黏湿,我抬起头:「总统,您也─?」,我不敢说中弹,因为我并不敢确定。他的脸上泛起苦笑,一只手捂着下腹,另只手仍在向沿途热情的民众挥舞。 "
作者:kai-kai 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |