加人 [个人文集] 警告次数: 2
加入时间: 2004/02/14 文章: 13891
经验值: 330971
作者:加人 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
请你快去看. 这类贴很容易被删.
1) 加人, you said:
主权在谁. 谁是谁非 是两个坛老板关心的事.
I knew you would say that. Do you remember: when I was deported from 老海川, you attacked
me along with others, and even trans-posted yqy’s poster to Zhongyiyuan, accusing me of being
a CCP spy?
That was why I said you were a 小人
So I was not surprised at all when you abandoned the sinking ship so fast:)
2) However, I see nothing wrong with this, because it was only natural. One cannot expect ordinary
people to behave like heroes or saints. You just showed us human nature. That’s all.
3) So stop talking about “friendship” or “loyalty” etc. I have known all along that you are
only loyal to my articles, not to myself personally. You feelings for me is just like a drug-addict's
love for heroine:)
I should admit that I really appreciate this. Such “loyalty” is much, much more reliable
than false “friendship”. The hijacking incidents that have just happened in both this forum
and Haigui have illustrated this point most vividly.
4) So as long as I can write, you will be around. The moment I stop, you will be at a loss
and will soon disappear from the web altogether. Although you said “我是支持新海川的”, I know better.
One thing is pretty sure: you will find no fun there, or any other place where I am not in
5) The same applies to the moaning horse. His web presence depends on me. But the reason
is quite different to yours. Whilst you take me for the source of re-education, he takes me for
the source of inspiration
6) I do not believe 新海川 is our enemy, though I cannot say they do not take us for their deadly
enemies. In my eyes, this is not a life-or-death struggle as advocated by the CCP. We cannot divide
people into two categories of “loyalists” and “traitors”. That would be ridiculous.
7) The future of this sinking ship does not lie in the struggle for 合法性来源. Rather, it depends
solely on our efforts. If we can write something that attracts people, then we would have to worry
about only one thing: where to get enough money that can allow us to hang on as long as possible, for
now all the debts of 老海川 have become our burden. Look what they did to us: they robbed us of everything,
sank the ship, left us all the debts and accused us of having seized the “blood and sweat of all the
club members”!
That’s all for the moment. Back to work.
主子发威. 奴才发抖.....
我在新海川上贴, 本意不是想说老芦的坏话.
只是老芦又提到老加是小人. 我觉得伤心很丢脸. 想罢网去了.
在"死网"前. 对这里的朋友说几句. 我并不是小人.
当众人向老芦下跪. 自打嘴巴. 我该死! 我该死!
下不为例. 如老芦下次再提加人是"小人".
我就把那"光荣称号"戴在头上. 永不翻案!
作者:加人 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |