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CNN新闻:布什的确说了"一个中国"的话。 |
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作者:Anonymous 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
Bush urges Chinese to open up
BEIJING, China (CNN) -- President
Bush has said he welcomes the
emergence of a "strong, peaceful
and prosperous China" but has
urged Chinese to embrace liberty,
tolerance and religious freedom as
the country opens up.
In a speech to students at Beijing's top
Tsinghua University broadcast live
across the country Bush defended
American values saying they have much
to offer as a model for the Chinese
people as their country develops.
Avoiding explicit criticism of China's
political systems he said many Chinese
had been given a "misleading and ...
harmful" view of America.
"We are a free nation, where men and women have the opportunity to achieve
their dreams," Bush said. "You can support the policies of our government, or
you are free to openly disagree with them."
As China developed he said it was important to
expand personal and political freedoms, to
embrace diversity and dissent, and to respect the
rule of law.
"Those who fear freedom sometimes argue that it
could lead to chaos -- but it does not," Bush told
the assembled students and faculty. "Life in
America shows that liberty, paired with law, is
not to be feared."
'Dissent is not revolution'
"In a free society," Bush said, "diversity is not
disorder. Debate is not strife. And dissent is not
"America shows that a country can be vast and
can be varied, but still one country," he added.
Alluding to his own strong personal faith Bush
said: "Freedom of religion is not something to be
feared -- it is something to be welcomed."
And he noted how much China had changed
since he first visited the country in 1975.
"In 1975, everybody wore the same clothes.
Now people pick their own clothes," Bush said.
He pointed to the upcoming 2008 Olympics as a
great opportunity for China to demonstrate its
openness to the world.
The speech, designed to dispel doubts and
mistrust of America, came on the final day of
Bush's two-day visit to Beijing, last stop on his
six-day swing through East Asia.
Afterwards, in an open Q and A session, Bush
was pressed by several students to explain
America's stance on the sensitive subject of
In response he reiterated Washington's commitment to help defend Taiwan if it
was attacked, but said he hoped there would be a peaceful solution to the issue
"in my lifetime."
One China
He also repeated America's policy that there is only one China, and Taiwan is
part of it -- a statement welcomed by a round of applause.
Beijing regards Taiwan as a renegade province and part of Chinese territory --
it has repeatedly threatened to attack the island if it makes moves toward
declaring formal independence.
Bush also faced several questions from students on America's controversial
planned missile defense shield.
He said China had nothing to fear from such a system.
"Our nation will develop defenses to help
our friends, our allies and others around
the world protect ourselves from ...
weapons of mass destruction," he said.
Earlier in the day Bush held talks with Hu
Jintao, the man who will succeed Chinese
President Jiang Zemin later this year.
He also met with Chinese premier Zhu
Rongji seeking reassurances on access to
Chinese markets now that the country is
a member of the World Trade
Also discussed were China's rules on bio-engineered foods, which threaten $1
billion in U.S. soybean sales -- but U.S. officials say that issue remains
Bush is to visit the Great Wall later Friday -- a traditional destination for visiting
U.S. presidents since Nixon's landmark tour in 1972 -- before flying back to
作者:Anonymous 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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