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[分享] 上E-bay拍卖国宝 – 乾隆御笔的奇怪经历。 |
邢国鑫 [个人文集]
加入时间: 2004/02/20 文章: 7502
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标题: [分享] 上E-bay拍卖国宝 – 乾隆御笔的奇怪经历。 (1262 reads) 时间: 2012-12-02 周日, 上午6:59 |
作者:邢国鑫 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
上E-bay拍卖国宝 – 乾隆御笔的奇怪经历。
咱是E-bay的老用户, 在过去的几年中买入了500多部二手三手(中古)相机, 反馈信息100%称赞咱是一流的客户。
因为要筹集88万美圆购入一批拍摄和出品六部好莱坞电影的绝世道具, 四面八方找熟人和朋友投资入伙没有成效, 故决定通过E-bay拍卖收藏的一支乾隆御制狼豪(玉)笔一件。
没想到,送乾隆御制狼豪(玉)笔上E-bay碰到了意想不到的问题, 11/30/2012 (that Day)上送拍品最后就是通不过,好像是与E-bay的有关政策和规定有关系。
下面是e-bay listing 拍卖国宝 – 乾隆御笔被据三套说明文字和附图方案,在此备案。
Qianlong HeTian Jade Emperor Calligraphy Brush!
autoeye-for-kids-foundation e-bay listing
Qianlong HeTian Jade Emperor Calligraphy (Jade Yu Bi) Brush
starting bid price USD 5,888,888.88
Buy it know price
USD 8,888,888.88
emperor (Qianlong) calligraphy Jade (Yu Long) brush
size length 388 mm
head diameter 48 mm
Handle Material : 7 pieces of top quality white HeTian Jade
Brush Head Material: top quality long lasting Wolf/Fox (head/tail) hair
True value of this emperor (Qianlong) calligraphy Jade (Yu Long) brush would be in the range of USD 8.8 to USD 88 million dollars.
The value of extremely rare pieces such as this one(Qianlong) calligraphy Jade (Yu-Bi) brush can vary dramatically depending on the market they are sold in and the collector who might use it to paint very special multi million dollars Chinese Art works.
The future Queen Fan BingBing and I want to buy this emperor (Qianlong) calligraphy Jade (Yu Long) brush back within 12 month when we start making a Hollywood movie partner with GOOGLE at the price of USD 9,988,888.88.
Thanks for looking.
FREE Local Pick up only
With buyer’s picture ID
作者:邢国鑫 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
上一次由邢国鑫于2012-12-17 周一, 上午5:54修改,总共修改了1次 |
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