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主题: 【禁闻】海归回国促民主 一党专制受威胁
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作者 【禁闻】海归回国促民主 一党专制受威胁   

加入时间: 2005/04/06
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文章标题: 【禁闻】海归回国促民主 一党专制受威胁 (358 reads)      时间: 2012-1-08 周日, 上午1:40

作者:刘因全罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

【禁闻】海归回国促民主 一党专制受威胁
新唐人电视 www.ntdtv.com 2012-1-5 03:54


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去年,11月25号上午,他应上海朋友王扣玛之邀到家中做客,再次被警察以〝赌博〞名义带走 。




Returnees Push for Democracy

Returnees, or "Sea Returnees" refer to Chinese who have
studied in the West and return to mainland China.
Their personal experience through life and work in the West
play a role in pushing democratic movement in China a great concern to the CCP.
The British also believe returnees impose threats to
the CCP one-party dictatorship.

According to the Chinese ministry of human resources and
social security,
as of the end of 2010, there were a total of 632,200 returnees.

They mainly occupy important roles in high-tech fields, universities, think tanks, and even high ranking CCP positions.

Recently, the British Economist magazine global business
editor Robert Guest stated in "The Times" that,
"a huge diasporas and former students returning from the
west are steadily eroding the one-party state."

The article points out that the Chinese Communists rely on
overseas Chinese as networks to foreign markets
but also worry about these westernized Chinese.

As the Communists regime faces increasing problems
associated with unchecked power,
as well as elevated corruption and complaints,

the liberal group within the party would also raise their democracy demands, which threatens the one-party.

"Chinese Social Democratic Party" Central Committee Chair Liu Yinchuan: "The CCP is very much afraid of these people would bring those civilized things to China and
influence the one-party dictatorship of the CCP.
The CCP can't control it.
They want advanced science and technology from the West,
and yet,
they don't want the thoughts that would threaten
the CCP ideology. It is contradictory."

Liu Yinchuan believes that every returnee is a seed.

With tens of thousands of them, they will change the current
authoritarian regime and the structure of the party culture.

Liu Yinchuan: “These returnees have acquired a significant
amount of knowledge when they were overseas.
With that, they summarize, conclude and transform what they
have seen, heard, and thought into their own views.
Once they return to China, they would spread their ideas
through various means."

Ai Weiwei, the artist who was made popular due to
his house arrest and violent treatment by the CCP last year,
had lived in New York for about 12 years during 1981 and
1993 and once studied at Parsons the New School for Design.
He gave up his U.S. residency status and returned to Beijing
to look after his sick father Ai Qing in April of 1993.

After returning home, while conducting his art works,
Ai Weiwei also contributed to human rights activities and
investigation of several political corruption incidents such as
the tainted powdered milk, and
the collapse of shoddy classrooms during Sichuan earthquake
which led to a large number of students'deaths,
as well as publicly supported persecuted activists,
to name a few.

Shanghai Feng Zhenghu is a well-known economist and
human rights activist.
After the 1989 Tiananmen massacre, he has faced investigation
due to his public criticism of CCP's crackdown.
He studied in Japan in 1991. In September 1998, Feng
Zhenghu returned to China and opened a company.
He's been traveling back and forth between China and Japan.

Feng Zhenghu has engaged in human rights activities
throughout his journey and encountered repeated suppression by the CCP.

Last year on the morning of November 25th,
while as guest at a friend's house in Shanghai,
he was taken away by police in the name of "gambling."

Feng Zhenghu : As for me, I always wanted to repay my country;
anyone would return to their country to push the country
toward the direction of democracy, freedom, law and human rights.
In this process, we really made a great sacrifice.

Including my coming back, I have always been subjected to a
variety of suppression such as forced disappearance and raids.
Of course, such suppression can not stop us from pushing
China's forward movement.

Liu Yinchuan is also optimistic that "China's sea returnees
will make democracy evolve."
He hopes that China will speed up on the democratic track.

NTD reporters Tang Rui and Wang Mingyu.


作者:刘因全罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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