夕陽泛金波﹐The setting sun reflects on the golden waves
細浪逐輕舟。The ripples follow in the wake of the light boat
夾水桃間柳﹐Peach trees intervene among the willows at the lakeside
湖心鶩雙浮。On the center of which float a pair of ducks
水濱一蒼首﹐At the waterside there’s a grey-headed man
垂綸意自悠。Angling in a manner of leisure
花間數童兒﹐Some children among flowers
撲蝶鬧嘲啁。Catching butterflies in boisterous laughter
孤雲宿峰際﹐A lone piece of cloud lodging at the peak
白鷺戀芳洲。The egret lingering on the fragrant shoal
絲長鶯囀婉﹐The oriole warbling among the long drooping twigs
風微香散幽。The gentle breeze spreading the faint aroma
舷楫相親吻﹐The oar and the gunwale kiss each other
力疲任自流。When tired, I let the boat float with the water
枻鼓搖倒影﹐The move of the oar rocks the inverted image in water
影動驚潛鷗。And the rocking image startles the diving gull
時暮竟忘返﹐Though it’s already dusk, I forget to return
未歸思復遊。I think of revisiting even if not go back yet