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主题: 回答楼下5毛:逗你玩没商量--[全球中文版首发]意大利菲亚特将在全球(除中国外)继续使用“藏独”广告[附广告视频]
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作者 回答楼下5毛:逗你玩没商量--[全球中文版首发]意大利菲亚特将在全球(除中国外)继续使用“藏独”广告[附广告视频]   
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文章标题: 回答楼下5毛:逗你玩没商量--[全球中文版首发]意大利菲亚特将在全球(除中国外)继续使用“藏独”广告[附广告视频] (619 reads)      时间: 2008-6-24 周二, 下午8:34

作者:常委罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

楼下五毛问:奇怪为什么要事后道歉?事前干什么去了?逗中国人玩吗?道个歉就算完了吗? -- 百叶窗开 - (0 Byte) 22 6 2008 13:27 (5 reads)

意大利汽车生产商菲亚特为涉“藏独”广告向中国正式道歉 (24 reads) 时间: 22 6 2008 13:26
作者:百叶窗开 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.com

环球时报驻英国特约记者郝平报道 意大利汽车生产商菲亚特就一则由好莱坞明星理查德•基尔出演的涉及西藏的商业广告向中国正式道歉。




  中国的一个网友留言写到:"作为国际西藏运动的主席,理查德 基尔一直被看成是西藏独立的支持者。"


作者:百叶窗开 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.com

美国CNN欧洲版 June 23, 2008 -- Updated 1838 GMT (0238 HKT)
Fiat's controversial Gere ad to keep running
Story Highlights (文章要点)
Fiat apologizes to China but says ad will not be pulled
Lancia Delta ad shows Richard Gere playing with Buddhist monks in Tibet
菲亚特Lancia Delta车广告出现好莱坞明星理查德•基尔与僧侣在西藏一起玩乐
Gere is a supporter and student of Tibet's exiled leader, the Dalai Lama
Ad has sparked angry comments on the Internet and in some Chinese media

ROME, Italy (AP) -- Fiat said Monday it will keep running an ad featuring actor Richard Gere and a reference to Tibet that has angered some in China and prompted the Italian automaker to issue an apology.

The Lancia Delta was shown off at a news conference in early June.

Gere, a Buddhist who has been active in the movement to free Tibet, appears in the TV ad for Fiat's new Lancia Delta, using the car to whiz from Hollywood to the snows of the Himalayas, where he plays with a group of young Buddhist monks.

Fiat said in a statement Friday that casting Gere for the ad had not been a "political choice" and was not driven by the desire to "interfere with the internal political system of any country."菲亚特声明用好莱坞明星理查德•基尔摄制该广告不是基于政治“选择”,也不是由干涉任何国家的内部政治体系的愿望所驱动

The company apologized to China's government and its people for any offense arising from "misinterpretations of its well-established position of neutrality."公司就任何由于错误理解我们的慎重的中性立场而引起的冒犯,向中国GOON府和GOON民道歉。

However, a Fiat spokesman said the company would continue to run the ad in Italy and would introduce it in other European countries as the Lancia Delta goes on sale across the continent.菲亚特将继续在意大利使用该广告,并将在欧洲其他国家播放

The spokesman, who could not be identified under company policy, said the ad was not being aired in China, where the car is not on sale.发言人说广告不会在中国播放,因为这款汽车不会在中国销售

The video is easily accessible on YouTube and it has generated angry comments on the Internet and in some of the more sensational corners of the entirely state-controlled Chinese media.

Gere has been vilified in China for criticizing Beijing's human rights records and policies toward Tibet, which Chinese communist troops occupied in 1951.

He is also a close supporter and student of the region's exiled Buddhist leader, the Dalai Lama, who Beijing says is a separatist.

Fiat now joins a long list of foreign companies that apologized for or removed advertisements due to complaints they offended China's communist government or the Chinese public.菲亚特现在也加入了长长的向中国GOON党和GOON众道歉的外国公司名单中。

Late in May, French fashion house Christian Dior dropped Sharon Stone from its Chinese advertisements and released a statement from the actress apologizing for saying the devastating earthquake that struck China may have been "karma" for its treatment of Tibet.[list=][/list]

作者:常委罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

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