nunia [个人文集]
加入时间: 2005/11/04 文章: 2184
经验值: 5079
作者:nunia 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自
Go Seigen(W) vs. Miyamoto Naoki(B), 1968, Japan on 9x9 board. 80 moves. Black gained 4 komi
With this rendition of Quicktime movie, it takes 57417872 bytes.
and still wayyyy beyond any artificial language construct, forever eluding on both inductive & deductive ends, although some acclaimed that the godhead is caught in 5x5.
Sweet Surrender is sweet but still misleading. Go's sheer complexity lies in the edge. But if we round those edges up, complete mathematical expression that guides the approximation of chaotic sequences due to those finit edges shouldn't be hard to induce or invent. ( Try play above 9x9 game with 4 corner replaced by an arc that connects [B1,A2],[A8,B9] etc... ). Now the most intrigue part of GO problem is how to construct a machine language (high or low) that takes human input, its own stepping times and memory scope all into account in the deepest loop of its basic algorithm or execution plan...
There ought to be some connections between this 80 moves and proof theory, model theory, axiomatic set theory, and recursion theory, the so-called four pillars of the foundations of mathematics. I just couldn't get my finger pointing to the elegance of this wholesome and deep contemplation on relationships of simple recursive stepping views.
作者:nunia 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自 |