加入时间: 2006/09/12 文章: 1667
经验值: 1777
作者:秃公 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

Went to this tri-state (NY, PA, NJ)town and adjoinings today to explore the real America where the young people are willing to be in army. The town is absolutely no life. The adjacent area is not any better. I like the rivers, lakes, but not the garage or yard sales that are everywhere, making you think that they live on those sales.
Funny though, I got into this little private beach of Twin Lakes of PA by mistake
 and met an old man who must be at his 80s as mine. He might be the owner of this piece of the beach land and to my surprise he enjoyed to see me. Then I learned that he married a Chinese woman in Beijing recently and his bride is getting a VISA to join him. I didn't ask if it was a 82-28 match or not.
There is no McDonal's etc in those areas. I found one when I was back to NJ close to highway 80.
Port jervis Mayor of 8600 people wrote:
"Port Jervis is a historic town, but also looks to the future. We hope you will visit us or locate your business here or perhaps even move here. Whatever your goal we hope you enjoy your time in Port Jervis."
For a twon that 25% of people are under the baseline of poverty, that is depressing.
作者:秃公 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |