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主题: 丢方
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作者 丢方   

加入时间: 2006/09/12
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经验值: 1777

文章标题: 丢方 (449 reads)      时间: 2007-5-14 周一, 上午2:09

作者:秃公寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

Another description of a slightly different version of the game is in “Dungane” by Sushanlo (Сушанло). The Dungans are Chinese speaking Muslims in the former Soviet Union, who fled to Russia in 1877–82 taking the game with them.

Sushanlo reports a game similar to fangqi from the Dungans in Kyrgyzstan or Kazakhstan. It is called дю фон (diu fang 丢方) ‘losing squares’. The board is either 7*7 lines, чи дар фон (qi daor fang 七道儿方) or 9*9 lines жю дар фон (jiu daor fang 九道儿方) — one would expect the spelling дор for дар. There are two variations, чон фон (chang fang 长方) ‘long squares’ or сынсы да дуан (sensi da duan 生死打断) ‘cut short by life or death’. The players place their pieces on the board in turns, trying to occupy the centre. The player who has the first turn has one piece more but the second player has a right to remove two of his opponent’s pieces after the board has been filled. Then they start to remove each other’s pieces, but the details are not described.

The board is usually drawn on the ground with spread fingers. The pieces can be pieces of reed, stones or sheep droppings.

Sushanlo mentions two special configurations the significance of which is not clear. One is ё-лёнфон yao-liangfang 腰两方 (two squares with waist?) ‘five pieces in two squares’ and вуҗёзы wujuezi 五角子 (standard Chinese wujiaozi, pentagon) ‘five pieces in four squares’.

In the following diagram white has a yao-liangfang and black has a wujuezi. White can win if he has the first move and kills the wujuezi. It is not explained why, but at least black cannot repeatedly open and close a square if the configuration is destroyed.


фә = feh?

Та йитян йишор пыйшон дундо хонкузышон бу танщян Җонҗя, Вонҗя щүанхуонни, хан нэ фә «Сангуй» фуни, будуйли хан дюфонни.
All day he would sit in company at the steet corner gossiping. He liked to tell stories from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, or he would play squares.


作者:秃公寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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