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主题: So delightful I found a soccer in my backyard
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作者 So delightful I found a soccer in my backyard   

加入时间: 2006/09/12
文章: 1667

经验值: 1777

文章标题: So delightful I found a soccer in my backyard (332 reads)      时间: 2006-12-10 周日, 上午3:14

作者:秃公寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

that I played it in this chilly weather for 10 minutes. Lots of happiness returned when I thought that I was a number one soccer player in the school, with of course lots of fans in opposite gender.

Before that, I was in Flushing bay again. Surely I could not ride a bike that far in 31 degrees Fahrenheit. So I took a drive over there with 3 cans of cat food. Guess what, I was thinking of those kittens after I fed my cats.

They all came out for the food. A black one was in miserable shape and I wish she could survive this winter. I certainly will be there in a snowy day.

On my way home I had some strange feeling. Early in the morning when I read the group news that was regularly sent to me from very old old schoolmates. One thing struck me was that George Washington, the Father of the US, hated some American Indians so badly that he wanted to peel their skin for boots. Well, you go to have such cruel nature to be qualified for a politician. On the other head, we all have animal behavior anyway, while claiming as a human being.

作者:秃公寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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