nunia [个人文集]
加入时间: 2005/11/04 文章: 2184
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作者:nunia 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自
J. Edgar Hoover's FBI had an abnormal fascination with the life
of John Ciardi, a poet and Rutgers University professor; agents started out investigating him on the grounds he was a Communist but continued simply because he was a writer.
Adapted from The STAR-LEDGER, Newark, NJ
Sunday, July 20, 1997, Perspective Section, page 1
Since October 9, 1999, you are visitor
By William P. Barrett
Copyright 1997 William P. Barrett
Most Like an Arch This Marriage
by John Ciardi
Most like an arch - an entrance which upholds
and shores the stone-crush up the air like lace.
Mass made idea, and idea held in place.
A lock of time. Inside half-heaven unfolds.
Most like an arch - two weaknesses that lean
into a strength. Two fallings become firm.
Two joined abeyances become a term
naming the fact that teaches fact to mean.
Not quite that? Not much less. World as it is,
what's strong and separate falters. All I do
at piling stone on stone apart from you
is roofless around nothing. Till we kiss
I am no more than upright and unset.
It is by falling in and in we make
the all-bearing point, for one another's sake,
in faultless falling, raised by our own weight.
作者:nunia 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自 |