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主题: 中国iPod血汗工厂:女工日工作15小时月薪400
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作者 中国iPod血汗工厂:女工日工作15小时月薪400   

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文章标题: 中国iPod血汗工厂:女工日工作15小时月薪400 (780 reads)      时间: 2006-6-15 周四, 上午4:34

作者:dck罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org



Pls think about this carefully before you buy things from Apple, Nike, ... ...



据英国《星期日邮报》报道,苹果的旗舰产品iPod主要由女工生产,她们的月收入仅有27英镑(约合人民币387元),但每天的工作时间长达15个小时。 这篇报道名为《iPod之城》,提供了大量拍摄... ...






通过这篇名为"iPod City"的报告称,人们会对苹果公司iPod大型制造厂的内部情况有大概的了解。这些设在中国的工厂归富士康(Foxconn)公司所有。


在龙华工厂里,工人们每天生产iPods的工作时间长达15个小时,而她们从中得到的月工资仅为50美元左右。离开忙碌一天的装配线之后,她们的栖身之地是与外界隔绝的宿舍,不仅每间屋子都挤满了100人,而且外来访客严禁入内。工厂只允许工人拥有“数量有限的个人物品”,此外每名工人还有 “一个洗衣用的水桶”。

龙华工厂的一名工人藏兰(Zang Lan)告诉星期日邮报的记者:“我们的工作实在太辛苦了,我总是累得不行。工厂要求我们在工作当中连续几个小时原地不动。如果我们胆敢离开半步,我们就会被罚站更长的时间。而对男工的惩罚是让他们做俯卧撑。”

根据报道,iPod nano是在被称作“E3”的5层楼工厂中生产出来的,工厂周围有全副武装的警察把守。据说这款超薄的数字音乐播放器中包括的400多个组件来自全球各地的组件制造厂。

14 June 2006
By Nick Webster
THEY sleep 100 to a room, toil for 15 hours a day and are paid just £27 month.

This is life in iPod City, once the Chinese fishing village of Shenzhen but now home to the factories that churn out millions of Apple's astonishingly popular music players every year.

Relentless demand for the world's coolest gadget means production lines never come to a standstill. In the UK alone Apple has sold more than two million of the MP3 players with their iconic white headphones.

But despite Apple's carefully cultivated Californian-cool image, they are assembled in China by staff such as Zhou Yan Hua.

As a line manager Zhou earns £80 a month - almost three times the salary of a new worker and just enough to free him from the regimented, spartan factory dormitories.

"The dorms are single-sex, with more than 100 people in a single large room," he says. "They're really overcrowded. There are too many people for comfort but they are free.

"Now I pay rent and I have to share a bed with my colleague, who works a different shift. It costs £20 a month but it is better than the dorm. They are very heavily monitored. There's even a guard in the dormitory. And no visitors are allowed.

"The factory is very strict and there are two places where you are searched. Both have metal detectors so you cannot take anything into work such as your phone. You even have to take off your watch."

Security is tight throughout the complex, with police on gates, CCTV and barbed wire everywhere to prevent industrial espionage. The workers are discouraged from speaking to strangers for the same reason.

A year ago Zhou left his home in central China and joined the flood of workers heading for the industrial sprawl of Shenzhen, just across the border from Hong Kong.

In 1980 it was just a sleepy fishing village, but then the communist government designated it a special economic zone. Now it's home to 12 million people.

One of the biggest employers is Taiwanese electronics giant Foxconn, which manufactures the iPod nano for Apple. Foxconn has 200,000 workers beavering away in 10 large factories and 11 research units in a sprawling complex covering several square kilometres. Salaries start at £27 a month.

OUTSIDE, posters appeal for workers aged over 16 - the legal working age - while a steady stream of new arrivals are herded into the dormitories, carrying their few possessions and maybe a bucket to wash their clothes.

They're guaranteed jobs but under strict rules and discipline, and often work seven days a week, forgoing many freedoms and pleasures western workers take for granted.

As well as no visitors being allowed on the huge site, staff rarely venture out of the heavily guarded gates. Instead of meals out or films, any cash they save is usually sent home to their families.

An insider says: "They get up, work, eat a small bowl of noodles and rice, do their washing, go to bed, get up and do it all over again."

After sleeping in shifts, they slip into a uni???? of jeans and beige jacket and head for the factory in a long, orderly crocodile. The only break from the routine comes with what's called "professional education".

Like soldiers on parade, the young men and women are ordered to line up on the factory roof and drilled for up to three hours, often in searing heat.

On occasions they're required to stand still for hours without moving a muscle.

These extraordinary exercises were devised to ensure the workers toe the line.

China is experiencing an unprecedented capitalist-style economic boom, but many of its methods are still rooted in communist ????s of control.

An insider says: "They discourage individualism, effectively turning the workers into robots as much as they can. Except, of course, they're a lot cheaper than robots."

It's a lifestyle which has already become all too familiar to Zang Lan, 21. She's been working at Foxconn for a month on the assembly line for Apple computers and is already exhausted.

"The job here is so-so," she says, "but we have to work too hard, I am always tired and am still in training, which I do not like.

"It is like being in the army. They make us stand still for three hours. If we move we are punished. They do not hit us or anything, but they might make us stand still for longer or make the boys do push-ups.

"We have to work overtime if we are told to and can only go back to the dormitories when our boss tells us we can go. We do not have any choice about overtime.

"The longest day I have worked so far was 15 hours, when I stayed until 11.30pm. I felt so tired."

Compared to European working and living conditions the lifestyle sounds incredibly harsh. But industry experts insist these are not sweatshops.

Gary Bowerman, editor of the Shanghai Business Review, says: "They do work long hours, they don't get paid very much, but the factories are state-of-the-art. They really are impressive.

"Yes, it's monotonous and routine, but the quality of the factories is even better than in Europe. They're clean, hi-tech, even air-conditioned - not sweatshop stuff. They're purpose-built for high-volume production and have to turn out high quantity and high quality."

Last year Apple achieved a record billion-dollar profit, boosted by the launch of the nano, the size of a credit card and weighing just 40grams (1.5oz).

IT was so popular that Apple sold a million in just 17 days, including one to the Vatican for Pope Benedict XVI.

Although it is one of America's most prestigious brands, nearly all Apple's products are assembled abroad.

While Foxconn makes the nano, the iPod Shuffle is put together by Asustek in Suzhou, two hours outside Shanghai at another sprawling site - the size of eight football pitches and employing 50,000 people - bordered by a canal and river and surrounded by barbed wire to deter intruders.

Its six gates are manned by zealous security guards, checking all workers' bags as they enter and leave. Security is especially tight at gate No 5, which leads to factory eight - where the iPod shuffles are manufactured. A 26-year-old security guard, who would not reveal his name, explains why.

"Factory eight is mostly women as I they are more honest than men," he says. ' "And the iPod shuffle is very easy to steal because it is so small."

The guard knew speaking might put his job on the line, but he finally relented... in the hope that he'd be rewarded beyond his wildest dreams. The payment he asked for: an iPod.


THE iPod digital music player was launched in 2001. More than 42 million have been sold, earning Apple around £5.2billion

TWO million iPods have been sold in the UK.

IN 2003 Apple launched the iTunes Music Store. More than one billion tracks have been downloaded.

THE store's global share of digital album and singles sales is estimated at around 70 percent.

[email protected]

作者:dck罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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