芦笛 [博客] [个人文集]
加入时间: 2004/02/14 文章: 31797
经验值: 518954
作者:芦笛 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
Freedom from political instructors
I know this is going to be regarded as showing-off again, but I cannot just wait until I get home and write in Chinese. Anyway, who cares how people look on me?
I have had the urge to write this poster since I read Yaoyao's comment following one of my posters as well as the dialog between her and Bojiaoseng, the crippled monk. But only now can I no longer hold myself. I have to say what I want to say. Otherwise, what's the point in writing in the BBS? There is not a single cent coming out of this idiotic business, nothing but endless insults and harassment.
Many people do not understand my "female-phobia". Actually, it is damn simple. As I have said many, many times before, most of the ladies active in the internet are of a special cut (ie, made from special materials). There are either political instructors or amateur psychiatrists, eager to volunteer psychiatric analyses and moral advice. Without invitation, they give you saturated bombardments without realizing nobody wants their zealous and yet patronizing help. Frankly, I see no difference between them and the well-known "Old Lady Marxist".
I know this sounds a bit too rude, but it is really the truth. I grew up in a society where everyone surrounding you was so damn eager to analyze, judge, instruct, coach and correct you, so that you, the lost lamb, could finally come back to the correct track. It was mainly because of this that I escaped to the West. I had been very happy until I met those political instructors again on the web! God! Is there any place packed with Chinese free of these pests at all?
Perhaps it is the so-called "maternal instinct" that prompts those ladies to descend from their Olympia and teach the hopeless male creatures one or two things, as they regard subconsciously all of us just as their babies who cannot walk on their own. But they fail to realize the simplest fact: you may change an adult's OPINION, but never his PERSONALITY. So what is the point in being judgmental and nagging around? It only wears people's patience out. After long sustention, they will explode and consequently, a high drama like those in which I attacked Ms Jin and so forth will unfold and make everyone sick.
Sometimes I almost believe that unlike us, ladies can never grasp the essence of an article, because their attentions are fully occupied with irrelevant things like the author's personality, psychology, motive, etc. They can never read an article as it is. Instead, they always try so damn heard to "see through" the article and probe the author as a man. It is not that they are too dull to understand an article, it is just that they are too curious about the author to grasp the main message the article conveys. I firmly believe that the fable about buying a box while discarding the jewelry was initially written for them.
Let us poor, miserable, helpless and lost male lambs pray: May God have mercy and allow us to live in the freedom from all sorts of political instructors, amateur psychiatrists, high priests and moral judges. In particular, may God make it come true that one day I will wake up and find in ecstasy that no lady makes comments on my articles. Amen!
作者:芦笛 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |