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主题: 【西方美术史图解】古埃及:The Grandmother of the Fine Arts
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作者 【西方美术史图解】古埃及:The Grandmother of the Fine Arts   

加入时间: 2004/02/15
文章: 8074

经验值: 1371

文章标题: 【西方美术史图解】古埃及:The Grandmother of the Fine Arts (920 reads)      时间: 2002-11-15 周五, 上午4:28

作者:2u2m寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org


伴随绚丽多彩的古埃及文明的诞生和发展,艺术,就像文字之于语言,同时迸发出耀眼的光芒,描绘着生于死于这片狭长肥沃土地上的男人,女人,国王,女王,上帝,动物的形形色色。 古埃及是所有西方文化艺术的源泉,号称西方文明的Grandmother,为以后所有的艺术形式提供了原始依据。




斯芬克斯是埃及法老Khafre的坐像,以太阳神Ra的面目出现展示他的巨大神威,有73米长,20米高。大概建于2540 B.C.(目前尚有争议)。

The Great Sphinx is a statue with the body of a male lion with the head of a human. The Great Sphinx was excavated and carved from a relatively soft, natural limestone outcropping on the Giza Plateau. The extensions which fan out at the sides of the head are part of the royal nemes (striped headcloth). At one time there was a uraeus (rearing cobra headpiece which protected from evil forces) and a narrow beard. It looms 241 feet long and 65 feet high.


These life sized statues of Rahotep and his wife, Nofret were found in a mastaba tomb at Meydum. Due to the tomb’s proximity to a 4th Dynasty pyramid, these statues have been dated to the 4th Dynasty (Old Kingdom, c. 2630 B.C.). This is a logical conclusion - nobles often sought to have their tomb located by the tomb of their pharaoh. The statues are especially life-like due to the inlaid rock-crystal eyes. The flesh tones are canonical, with the male having dark reddish colored flesh and the female a lighter beige color.  The heaviness of Nofret’s form, with its thick ankles and torso and hefty wig, is offset by the elegant crown and necklace she wears. The hieroglyphs give the names and titles of each of the statue owners.

女法老Hatshepsut:Hatshepsut was an 18th-dynasty pharaoh who was one of the handful of female rulers in Ancient Egypt. Her reign was the longest of all the female pharaohs, and her funerary temple still stands as a tribute to her incredible rise to power.

Queen Hatshepsut

Dynasty 18, c.1473-1458 B.C.

Painted indurated limestone

Height: 76 3/4 in. (194.9 cm)

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

作者:2u2m寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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