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老右,我觉得你用芝麻哥这事和64比不太合适,俺没有找到美国更好的例子 -- 消极 - (62 Byte) 2005-6-05 周日, 上午10:12 (225 reads) |
钢蹦儿 [博客] [个人文集]
作者:Anonymous 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
肯大五四确实是偶发事件, 但今年三十五周年纪念日的主题是"Tell me father, did they aim?".
如此看来美国人的政治智慧并不像中国人那么圆滑, 但是为什么同样的悲剧没有重复发生, 看看肯大官方网站的总结, 可能会有点儿启发:
The May 4 shootings at Kent State need to be remembered for several reasons. ... ... Third, and most importantly, May 4th at Kent State should be remembered in order that we can learn from the mistakes of the past. The Guardsmen in their signed statement at the end of the civil trials recognized that better ways have to be found to deal with these types of confrontations. This has probably already occurred in numerous situations where law enforcement officials have issued a caution to their troops to be careful because "we don't want another Kent State." Insofar as this has happened, lessons have been learned, and the deaths of four young Kent State students have not been in vain.
同样的事件确实不太好找, 另外, 为什么一定要和美国比呢 ...
作者:Anonymous 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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