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主题: 评Holmes's Cell文章的流行病学分析
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作者 评Holmes's Cell文章的流行病学分析   

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文章标题: 评Holmes's Cell文章的流行病学分析 (1096 reads)      时间: 2021-8-27 周五, 上午5:11

作者:非文人驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org


Based on epidemiological data, the Huanan market in Wuhan was an early and major epicenter of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Two of the three earliest documented COVID-19 cases were directly linked to this market selling wild animals, as were 28% of all cases reported in December 201910. Overall, 55% of cases during December 2019 had an exposure to either the Huanan or other markets in Wuhan, with these cases more prevalent in the first half of that month10. Examination of the locations of early cases shows that most cluster around the Huanan market, located north of the Yangtze river (Fig. 1a-e). These districts were also the first to exhibit excess pneumonia deaths in January 2020 (Fig. 1f-h). There is no epidemiological link to any other locality in Wuhan, including the BSL-4 campus of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) located south of the Yangtze and the subject of considerable speculation. Although some early cases do not have a direct epidemiological link to a market10, this is expected given high rates of asymptomatic transmission and undocumented secondary transmission events, and was similarly observed in early SARS-CoV cases in Foshan3 . During 2019, markets in Wuhan – including the Huanan market – traded many thousands of live wild animals including high-risk species such as civets and raccoon dogs5 . Following its closure, SARS-CoV-2 was detected in environmental samples at the Huanan market, primarily in the western section that traded in wildlife and domestic animal products, as well as in associated drainage areas10. While animal carcasses retrospectively tested negative for SARS-CoV-2, these were unrepresentative of the live animal species sold, and specifically did not include raccoon dogs and other animals known to be susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 .

根据流行病学数据,武汉华南市场是 SARS-CoV-2 感染的早期和主要震中。最早记录的三起 COVID-19 病例中有两起与该市场销售野生动物直接相关,2010 年 12 月报告的所有病例中有 28% 也是如此。总体而言,2019 年 12 月期间 55% 的病例暴露于华南或其他武汉市场,这些病例在该月的上半月更为普遍10。对早期病例位置的检查表明,大多数聚集在位于长江以北的华南市场周围(图 1a-e)。这些地区也是 2020 年 1 月第一个出现肺炎死亡人数过多的地区(图 1f-h)。与武汉的任何其他地方都没有流行病学联系,包括位于长江以南受到大量怀疑的武汉病毒研究所(WIV)的 BSL-4 校区。尽管一些早期病例与市场没有直接的流行病学联系 10,但鉴于无症状传播和未记录的二次传播事件的发生率很高,这在预料之中,并且在佛山的早期 SARS-CoV 病例中也观察到了类似的情况3。 2019 年,武汉市场(包括华南市场)交易了数千只野生动物活体,包括果子狸和貉等高风险物种5。关闭后,在华南市场的环境样本中检测到了 SARS-CoV-2,主要是在野生动物和家畜产品交易的西部地区,以及相关的流域 10。虽然动物尸体的 SARS-CoV-2 回顾性检测结果为阴性,但这些动物尸体不能代表出售的活体动物物种,特别是不包括貉和其他已知对 SARS-CoV-25 敏感的动物。

作者说: “最早记录的三起 COVID-19 病例中有两起与该市场销售野生动物直接相关”。但是根据中国内地学者最初的两份科研文章, 一篇来自高福领导的中国CDC实验室(Li Q et al., New England J of Med 2020, 382:1199-1207),另一篇来自武汉金银潭医院和中日友好医院曹彬领导的团队(Lancet. 2020 Feb 15; 395:497-506)。高福的文章中最早的两例(12月8日和12月10日)均与华南海鲜市场无关,而12月18日之前的七例病人中,仅两例有华南海鲜市场相关史。曹彬的文章中,最早一例是12月1日,与华南海鲜市场无关。而最早的4例病人中,3例与华南海鲜市场无关, 仅一例有华南海鲜市场相关史。在这个数据上,作者没有采用中国较权威的学者疫情初期发表在顶级杂志上的真实原始数据,而是采用中国政府后来修改过的数据,我真的替这些人悲哀!学者的求实精神丢那去了?



作者说: 但这些动物尸体不能代表出售的活体动物物种,特别是不包括貉和其他已知对 SARS-CoV-2 敏感的动物。作者如何保证中国只检测了动物尸体而没有检测活体动物?稍有一点科学常识的人也会知道活体动物比尸体重要,关闭动物市场是在CDC已经介入后的举措,不可能只测尸体不测活动物,更何况活体动物一直都存在,什么时候都可以检测呀,也没看到报道有人检测到活体动物身上自然存在有SARS-COV-2病毒。

作者:非文人驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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