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主题: 再说BBC对叶诗文的诽谤以及西方治安
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作者 再说BBC对叶诗文的诽谤以及西方治安   
所跟贴 白人比例有那么高?可见白人多犯罪率高啊,嘿嘿。你那表格怎么找不到了? -- 芦笛 - (84 Byte) 2012-8-09 周四, 下午1:18 (314 reads)
captain nino

加入时间: 2012/07/01
文章: 892

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文章标题: 这么喜欢数据, 那么我就给你数据, 把你驳斥的体无完肤 (358 reads)      时间: 2012-8-09 周四, 下午2:02

作者:captain nino驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

首先, 我感觉老芦你很不客观, 在某些事上喜欢预设立场, 只相信自己想相信的. 你既然喜欢数据, 那好, 我也查了数据. 说实话, 我本来不屑于摆数据, 因为有些东西, 比如黑人犯罪率高, 是 common sense 这类的东西, 觉得根本没必要摆数据, 西方哪怕再 liberal 的左疯, 都承认这个事实 (会为这个现象产生的原因狡辩, 但不否认这个现象存在) 但有些人偏偏不信, 那好, 我就查数据给你看.


表格显示, 英格兰和威尔士, 黑人占人口比例 2.7%, 却占监狱人口比例的 13.75%, 逮捕比例的 8%. 不是很迷信数据吗, 现在给你这个硬数据, 看你怎么说.

而伦敦的数据更是彻底反驳了你的一厢情愿的观点. 你会英文, 就请你看下面从 wikipedia 摘录的, 你要是有求真的愿望的话, 恐怕会彻底推翻你自己的观点.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics showed that in 2007 an estimated 10.6 percent of London's population of 7,556,900 were black.[23] Evidence shows that the black population in London boroughs increases with the level of deprivation, and that the level of crime also increases with deprivation, such that "It is clear that ethnicity, deprivation, victimisation and offending are closely and intricately inter-related".[24]

In June 2010 The Sunday Telegraph, through a Freedom of Information Act request, obtained statistics on accusations of crime broken down by race from the Metropolitan Police Service.[n 2] The figures showed that the majority of males who were accused of violent and sexual crimes (including those subsequently acquitted) in 2009–10 were black. Of the recorded 18,091 such accusations against males, 54 percent accused of street crimes were black; for robbery, 59 percent; for gun crimes, 67 percent; and for sexual offences, 32 percent.[25]

Street crimes include muggings, assault with intent to rob, and snatching property. Black males accounted for 29 percent of the male victims of gun crime and 24 percent of the male victims of knife crime.[25] Similar statistics were recorded for females. On knife crime, 45 percent of suspected female perpetrators were black; for gun crime, 58 percent; and for robberies, 52 percent.[26]

Operation Trident was set up in March 1998 by the Metropolitan Police to investigate gun crime in London's black community after black-on-black shootings in Lambeth and Brent.[27]

Between April 2005 and January 2006, figures from the Metropolitan Police Service showed that black people accounted for 46 percent of car-crime arrests generated by automatic number plate recognition cameras.[28]

In London in 2006, 75% of the victims of gun crime and 79% of the suspects were "from the African/Caribbean community."[29]

作者:captain nino驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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