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又吓了一跳。CHF,心不全,大学医院?呵呵, -- 路过 - (7 Byte) 2007-9-20 周四, 下午3:39 (238 reads) |
加入时间: 2006/09/12 文章: 1667
经验值: 1777
作者:秃公 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
Take a look at what Mark Twain said:"
The Rigi-Kulm is an imposing Alpine mass, six thousand feet high, which stands by itself, and commands a mighty prospect of blue lakes, green valleys, and snowy mountains-- a compact and magnificent picture three hundred miles in circumference.“
Chapter XXVIII. The Jodel and Its Native Wilds
< A Tramp Abroad> by Mark Twain http://futureboy.us/twain/tramp/tramp28.html
作者:秃公 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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