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ZT廖建明:中国梁木对日本小刺(日本教科书究竟如何写的) |
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不要说愤青,这里的“精英”们,有几个知道日本的教科书的内容? -- 有风就顶 - (27 Byte) 2005-4-20 周三, 上午11:30 (125 reads) |
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作者:Anonymous 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
Topic #1: The cause of the 1894 Sino-Japanese War
The 2001 edition of the Japanese history textbook removes the reference that the Japanese attacked the Manchurian forces first. Instead, it used the ambiguous description: "Conflict occurred between the Japanese and Manchurian military forces, and the Sino-Japanese War began." “日清两军发生冲突,日清战争开始了。”
The proposed 2005 edition goes a step further: "The Manchurians did not want to lose their final tributary state Korea and therefore treated Japan as an enemy. Japan entered the Sino-Japanese War and the Russian-Japanese War due to these international relationships." “清不想失掉最后的朝贡国朝鲜,开始将日本作为敌人。日本进行了日清和日俄两场战争,就是由于东亚的这种国际关系。”
The Chinese understanding of this history was that the Sino-Japanese War had its origin in the continental policy formulated at the first Imperial Congress of Japan in 1890 where their territorial interests were directed right at the Korean peninsula and northeastern China. With these goals, Japan initiated the Sino-Japanese War. China lost, paid 200 million taels of silver in compensation and ceded Taiwan and the Pescadores Islands to Japan. At the same time, Japan invaded Korea and attempted to take over the Liaotung Peninsula too. Due to the intercession of Russia, Germany and France, the Manchurian government paid Japan 300 million taels of silver to 'reclaim' Liaotung.
Topic #2: The 21 Articles
The 2001 edition of the Japanese history textbook claims: "England and the United States objected, and the 21 articles were divided into five groups. The fifth group contain wishes and was supposed to be treated as secret. The fifth group requests that the Japanese shall act was political, financial and military advisors for the purpose of purchasing huge amounts of Japanese-manufactured military armaments." “英国和美国提出了抗议,二十一条要求分为五款,第五款是希望条款,被作为秘密。第五款要求接受日本人作为政治、财政和军事顾问以及大量购买日本制武器。”
The proposed 2005 edition says: "China awaited the interference of the powerful nationals, and therefore leaked the crucial information of the talks to the outside. Of the five conditions, they even included those that were not requests in order to come up with the name of the 21 articles.' This caused anti-Japanese sentiments to rise sharply in China." “中国方面期待列强的介入,向国内外泄露了极为机密的谈判内容,而且在5大条款中,将并非正式要求的事项也列入,制造了‘二十一条要求’的名称,中国国内的反日舆论开始高涨。”
The Chinese understanding of this history is that Japan announced the '21 articles' to the Yuan Shikai government of China in order to exclude all the other imperialist powers and dictate China alone. Basically, Yuan Shikai had to agree to these 21 demands in order to secure the support of Japan.
Topic #3: The 918 Incident
The 2001 edition states: "After the Japanese Kantogun army assassinated Manchurian warlord Zhang Zuolin with a bomb, it was hoping to increase its control in Manchuria. Anti-Japanese sentiments were rising in China, and there weremany incidents in which the railway was being attacked. Moreover, Japan was also facing the threat of Soviet Russia in the north and the Kuomintang army in the south. Under these circumstances, some of the Kantogun officers made a plan to take over all of Manchuria as the solution." “关东军炸死满洲军阀张作霖后,希望加强对满洲的控制,中国人的反日运动激化,不断发生妨碍列车运行的事态。此外,对日本来说,北面有苏联的威胁,南面有国民党的力量不断逼近。在这种情况下,部分关东军军官制定了通过占领整个满洲解决问题的计划。”
The proposed 2005 edition says: "Following the unification of China by the Kuomintang, anti-Japanese sentiments grew among the Chinese people and there were repeated instances in which the railway was being attacked and Japanese schoolchildren were being harrassed. Moreover, Japan was also facing the threat of Soviet Russia in the north and the Kuomintang army in the south." Please note that the last sentence about plotting by the Kangtogun army has now been excised. “随着国民党统一中国的逼近,中国人的反日运动激化,不断发生妨碍列车运行和迫害日本学童的事件。此外,对日本来说,北面有苏联的威胁,南面有国民党的力量不断逼近。”
The Chinese understanding was that there was a huge financial crisis in Japan during the spring of 1927, so that the Japanese government wanted exterior expansion to divert attention from its internal problems. Japan wanted to take over northeastern China, and therefore instigated the 918 incident.
Topic #4: The Marco Polo Bridge Incident
The 2001 edition states: "On the night of July 7, 1937, someone fired shots at the Japanese army near the Marco Polo bridge outside Beijing. The next morning, the Japanese army as well as the Chinese Kuomintang army entered into a state of war alertness. Although people hoped this could be peacefully resolved, Japan soon sent in large number of soldiers and the Kuomintang government announced full mobilization. Thus began the Sino-Japanese war that lasted eight years." “1937年7月7日夜,在北京郊外的卢沟桥,发生了有人向日本军队开枪的事件。第二天一早,与中国国民党军队之间进入战斗状态。虽然当时人们希望现场解决,但是不久日本方面大规模派兵,国民党政府也立即发布了动员令,此后进入了持续8年的日中战争。”
The proposed 2005 edition says: "The incident itself was just a small conflict. Although people hoped that it could be peacefully resolved, conflicts continued to occur with the Japanese side and it became difficult to find a solution." “事件本身不过是一个小摩擦,虽然人们希望就地解决,但是与日本方面的冲突事件不断发生,解决变得困难起来。”
The Chinese version starts with the point that the Japanese were illegally present at the location, and the Chinese defenders obviously must defend their national territory. Prior to July 7, 1937, the Japanese army had also shot at the Chinese.
Topic #5: The Xi'an Incident
The proposed 2005 edition added this new topic, in which the following paragraph appeared: "The Communists got breathing space and the Communist moles burrowed inside the Kuomintang and engaged in destructive and inflammatory activities to lead Japan into war." In other words, this whole war was started unnecessarily by the Communist provocateurs! “共产党获得了喘息,共产党员潜入国民党内部,大肆推进将日本引入战争的破坏和挑衅活动。”
The Chinese version obviously does not accept the Japanese occupation of Chinese territory as being normal in any sense. This is positively obscene! The Xi'an incident in December 1936 was the precipitating factor that forced the Communists and the Kuomintang to form a united front of all Chinese people against the foreign invaders from Japan. They didn't need Communist provocateurs to tell them that this was the nation's foremost priority!
Topic #6. The Nanjing Massacre
The 2001 edition saw the addition of one sentence in parentheses "(At the time, the Japanese army caused many deaths and injuries among the citizens, and this was the Nanjing incident)" “(那时,日本军队导致民众中也出现了很多死伤者,这就是南京事件)”. Later on, a footnote said: "As for the actual situation in the incident, there are many doubts about the information. There are many interpretations, and this issue is still being debated." This obviously dilutes the preceding sentence in parentheses. “关于事件的实际情况,资料上被发现有很多疑点,存在各种见解,现在仍在争论。”
In the proposed 2005 edition version, the sentence in parentheses has been deleted. Under a photograph with the caption "Shanghai city suffered destruction during street battle," the footnote above appears. Thus, the whole matter of the Nanjing massacre has been eviscerated.
The Chinese version states that in the early morning of December 13, 1937, the Japanese army took over the city of Nanjing and committed atrocities against the civilian population. After the Second World War, the Tokyo Court has affirmed the war crimes of Japan. The Chinese believed that about 200,000 to 300,000 people were killed in Nanjing.
Topic #7: Japanese War Losses
In the section on "The Disaster of War" in the 2001 edition, the losses of Japan were listed next to the other countries victimized by Japan, with a long description about the great Tokyo air raid.
In the 2005 edition the losses of the nations victimized by Japan are not mentioned at all while Japan's losses are listed with "the victims of the two totalitarian ideologies." Emphasis was given to: "Near the end of the Second World War, the United States launched indiscriminate air raids on Tokyo and other cities and dropped atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Meanwhile, Soviet Russia tore up the Japanese-Russian Neutrality Pact and invaded Manchuria and committed looting and violence against Japanese civilians including forcible relocation of about 600,000 Japanese into Siberia where 10% of died from forced labor." “第二次世界大战末期,美国对东京等多数城市进行不加区别地空袭,并且在广岛和长崎投下了原子弹。而且,苏联撕毁日苏中立条约,侵入满洲,不断发生掠夺、杀害日本平民的暴行,包括日军俘虏在内的约60万日本人被强制带到西伯利亚,被迫从事严酷的劳动,约有10%的人死亡”。
Topic #8: Japanese War Crimes
In the 2001 edition, "there is no country that did not harm or mistreat unarmed persons during a war, and Japan is no exception. In war, the Japanese army mistreated foreign soldiers and civilians through abuse and killing." “没有任何一个国家没有在战争中发生过杀害和虐待非武装人员的行为,日本也不例外。战争中,日本军队对于俘虏的敌国士兵和平民进行了不当的杀害和虐待。”
In the proposed 2005 edition, "There is no country that did not harm or mistreat unarmed persons during a war, and Japan is no exception." There is no mention of any crimes committed by the Japanese military forces. Since everybody else does it too, it would be cool anyway! “没有一个国家在战争中没有任何杀害和虐待非武装人员的事情,日本也不例外。”
作者:Anonymous 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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